Welcome from Principal
I am delighted to welcome you to our new, revamped website. Céad míle fáilte romhat if it’s your first visit and fáilte ar ais to those revisiting.
In Killinure N.S. we aim to provide a stimulating learning environment and we endeavour to help all of our pupils to reach their full potential. Our school motto is one word “Respect”, respect for self, respect for property and respect for others. It’s a two-way core value, if you give respect you expect to be shown respect.
All schools have defining characteristics, in our case it’s our love of sport and music. We consider physical literacy to be a top priority. We have been involved in many pilot programmes designed to enhance the physical literacy of children today and currently we are working with Croke Park on their exciting, new 5 Star Centre programme. Whether it’s taking a team to a match or training at the pitch after school on a Monday once our staff see that the children will benefit they readily volunteer for extra-curricular activities.
We are fortunate that so many of our staff are talented musically and put so much effort into preparing our pupils for ceremonies and performances. We have a traditional band for our older pupils and we have just added “Peace Proms” to our repertoire (music education resource for Primary Schools which culminates in a large-scale performance for choirs and orchestra at iconic venues throughout the UK, Ireland and Northern Ireland).
We are proud to introduce our brand new school to home communication app! This app gives parents/guardians the ability to instantly access school messages, news, calendar, class activities, photos/videos and much more. The App is available on all devices including computers and laptops. It is only available to our school community.
Main features:
- Notice Boards. Each class has a dedicated notice board. All information relevant to your child will appear on these boards.
- Quickly check timings for events. Keep up to date with the latest school dates, term times and key events in the school Calendar.
- Feel better connected. With multi-media galleries, individual class sections and news items, our new App will help bring you even closer to what is happening in our school.
- Send an absentee note directly to your child’s teacher.
- Keep up to date on Cyber Safety with the latest from Ger Brick, Children’s Cyber Safety expert.
- Eoin Murray, Nutritionist BS.c Health studies DIP NT, will provide useful nutritional advice.
We have strong links with our local community. We believe that we, as part of a community, have a responsibility to current and future generations. Home, school and parish with shared beliefs in honesty, integrity and respect is what makes an area a wonderful place to raise a family. All of us buying into the same principles, fostered at home, ingrained in school and obvious in the community will ensure that our core beliefs and traditions are passed on to the next generation, ensuring a bright future for all who reside here. “Ní neart go cur le chéile!”
Is Mise le Meas
Carmel Power
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