061 351377 snailbhe@gmail.com



The first was for Litter and Waste.
The second was for Energy.
The third was for Water.
The fourth was for Travel.
The fifth was for Biodiversity.

Kevin Barry is the Green Schools Coordinator and along with Jonathan Dervan, started this programme in 2007. Catherine Gleeson took over from Mr. Dervan in 2012 and there are children from 1st to 6th classes on the current committee. We aim to continue to raise awareness of the importance of protecting our environment. In 2018 we received our most recent flag on the topic of Biodiversity.

The Biodiversity theme looked at steps which can be taken to increase awareness of the importance of native plants, animals and habitats and to increase species- richness in a locality. We had a Biodiversity Action Day last year. We had a school assembly during which we looked at some of the art work and poetry created by pupils based on the theme of Biodiversity. Classes also engaged in various activities around the school such as planting trees/plants, weeding, litter picking and nature walks.

We have a hard working, enthusiastic team committed to attracting all kinds of wildlife to our school as well as continuing to work hard on previous themes. We now have a ‘Bug Motel’, bird houses and tyre gardens around the school. We would like to thank everyone in our school community for their continued support of our efforts.

‘Global Citizenship – Litter and Waste’ is the sixth Green-Schools theme. This maintenance theme enables schools to discover how Green-Schools work has positively influenced people and environments worldwide while revising the previous Litter and Waste theme. We look forward to starting work on this theme.